Conditions for writing a review

Reviews marked "Buyer reviews" are verified reviews and come from customers who have purchased a product from us. Before submitting a review, they have verified themselves by logging into their user account or retrieving the order by combining their order number and email address, or submitting the review as a verified buyer in the comparison portal.

Reviews marked as "visitor reviews" are unverified reviews and come from visitors to our online store or from customers who have submitted their review without verification.

We approve reviews before they are published. In some rare cases, we may prohibit reviews.

If you meet the following recommendations, nothing will stand in the way of publishing your review:

  • Both logged in and non-logged in users can submit reviews.
  • a) Logged in/registered users can receive a reward for writing a review (we have the option to send a reward to the email address provided).
  • b) An unregistered user can submit a review but cannot be rewarded due to the lack of an email.
  • The evaluation must not contain vulgar expressions.
  • Reviews may not contain links to other websites.

When you submit a review, you agree to the publication of your name and city (e.g. Melanie, Berlin) on the review page.

We sincerely thank you for each sent review.